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PeaksNpaws an online dog pet store with best dog chews & eclectic range of dog toys

Get the Best Himalayan Yak Milk Chews,Antler dog chews and an eclectic range of dog toys, from plush handcrafted natural stuffed toys to vibrant manmade one’s for the persistent doggos at PeakNpaws.We now have a sprawling range of some totally zappy handpicked & curated dog products.

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Here at Up North Pets we believe that every pet deserves the best. Whether it is toys, apparel or accessories; we offer a wide variety so you can have a fast and easy one stop shopping experience. We want to help our clients in a one on one way so don't hesitate to reach out to us with questions or if you are looking to buy something that we do not yet offer. We are always looking to expand!

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Wedoglovers is a Social Network exclusive for dog lovers to share their dog's memorable moments among alike minded & keep update him/herself with more info about Dog World.

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